Hey guys. Ready for another blog post that is all over the place? Good, because here’s one coming right at ya!
Youtube: So I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve been cranking out video after video. You’re probably asking, what the heck? This is a blog - what’s going on? My response is I really wanted to experience putting up a Youtube video and didn’t intend for it to become such a huge and almost preferred mode of online presence for me. Oh my gosh, guys. It’s like crack. I guess if you really want to hear the whole story from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, you can click right here for my New Youtuber Tag, but the basic gist is that I’ve always wanted to do Youtube. I’d always been in the Youtube scene as a passive participant, subscribing to and regularly watching and commenting/engaging in dialogue with Youtubers in the beauty, lifestyle, and fashion communities as well as daily vloggers. Then, one day, my friend Kas invited me to go to a hackathon with her, and I wanted so much to draft a post to document my experience. I had gotten like 3 or 4 bullet points down when I thought, what the heck, I might as well film myself talking about it. So I did. And I put it up on Youtube!! … and then I privated it almost immediately. But then I was like NO SHEL YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. So I put it back up. Yes. That was my first ever Youtube video (LINK HERE if you want a few giggles). Not gonna lie, I definitely still cringe when rewatching it, but you know what I learned from being such an accident prone person at work? Humiliation only makes you stronger :) But don’t you worry. I will still be blogging. In fact, I’m hoping that vlogging will keep more more disciplined.
Movin’ and grooving’. Well, really just the former. Guys, I relocated! Which is why from my 2nd video to third, there was a huge change in background. And noticeably more light. I definitely didn’t think it would take as much out of me as it did, but boy oh boy it did. Unpacking took me nearly a month but here I am, all moved in. Why’d I move? Well, as with most/all things in life, it’s a little complicated :) But you can bet your butt I’m gonna talk about it in a blog or vlog once I have time to reflect and word things.
Fitness/health update: Remember when I restarted this blog, I had a big focus on becoming healthier. And I’m happy to report that so far, it’s been going really well! Despite the big move, I’ve continued to do both cardio and lifting. If you saw my June Favs video, you’d know that my Sony headphones have been a godsend when it comes to keeping me motivated. Sometimes, after coming home from a long day, I really just want to sit on on my butt and turn on the netflix. But I’m happy to say that 3 times out of 4, I successfully force myself to go for at least a 3-4 miler. In addition, now that I’m too far away from my gym to use the machines, I’ve been doing a lot more free weight conditioning exercises. There are a lot of great channels on those on Youtube. i’ve also just been trying to be more resourceful with finding opportunities to weight train with common household chores. Like groceries. You know what? I have lost no weight and I don’t care :) I just love being active for the heck of it!
Rejiggerin’ the layout: One huge goal I have for the summer is to dust those code-webs off my HTML and CSS knowledge and make a new layout for my blog that I like. Friends of the inter webs, if you know of any good books, sites or other resources for blog layout creation’, hook a sista up!
9-to-5’ing: OH YEAH, almost forgot to say, another reason I’ve been somewhat absent is that I’ve been (happily) busy at work. There have been a lot of cool projects for me to work on recently so I’ve been spending a lot more time at work. I imagine that some of this extra time will die down in the summer which is usually a pretty quiet time for our team. But for now, still chuggin’ along the best that I can!
So there you have it. Nothing too exciting, but I’ve been loving life. And really, that’s all that matters right? Hope you are all having a good time right now too!
xoxo, the closing belle